Plan estrategico Itaka-Escolapios 2015-2021PLAN ESTRATÉGICO ITAKA-ESCOLAPIOS 2015-2021 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisationA1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation | Network Network |
SINERGIAS ENTRE ITAKA-ESCOLAPIOS Y LOS COLEGIOSSINERGÍAS ENTRE ITAKA-ESCOLAPIOS Y LOS COLEGIOS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | A3. Participate in local, provincial and general organisation, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...]A3. Participate in local, provincial and general organisation, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...] | Emmaus Emmaus |
La Iglesia Catolica Hoy. Reflexiones desde las Comunidades Cristianas EscolapiasLA IGLESIA CATÓLICA HOY. REFLEXIONES DESDE LAS COMUNIDADES CRISTIANAS ESCOLAPIAS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
La Cultura Vocacional en las Presencias EscolapiasLA CULTURA VOCACIONAL EN LAS PRESENCIAS ESCOLAPIAS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
El Ambiente Pastoral en las Presencias EscolapiasEL AMBIENTE PASTORAL EN LAS PRESENCIAS ESCOLAPIAS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Seguimiento de la Pedagogia de Jesus de NazaretSEGUIMIENTO DE LA PEDAGOGÍA DE JESÚS DE NAZARET | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Seguimiento a la Pedagogia de Jesus de NazaretSEGUIMIENTO A LA PEDAGOGÍA DE JESÚS DE NAZARET | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Sacramentos: signos del encuentro con DiosSACRAMENTOS: SIGNOS DEL ENCUENTRO CON DIOS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Las Convivencias de Fe. La alegria de ConvivirLAS CONVIVENCIAS DE FE. LA ALEGRÍA DE CONVIVIR | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Educacion en la Fe a traves de plataformas tecnologicasEDUCACIÓN EN LA FE A TRAVÉS DE PLATAFORMAS TECNOLÓGICAS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...]B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, B6. Invite others to participate, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Educacion o formal (ENF) y el modelo de escuela a pleno tiempo en las Escuelas PiasEDUCACIÓN O FORMAL (ENF) Y EL MODELO DE ESCUELA A PLENO TIEMPO EN LAS ESCUELAS PÍAS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projectsA2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects | Betania Betania |
EL MODELO DE PRESENCIA ESCOLAPIOEL MODELO DE PRESENCIA ESCOLAPIO | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Piarist identity | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Betania Betania |
ENCUENTRO ANUAL DE FORMADORES 2024ENCUENTRO ANUAL DE FORMADORES 2024 | SpanishSpanish | Advanced | Piarist identity | A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...]A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...] | Emmaus Emmaus |
Plan general del voluntariado en Itaka-EscolapiosPLAN GENERAL DEL VOLUNTARIADO EN ITAKA-ESCOLAPIOS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational developmentB4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development | Network Network |
Roles of the District Coordinator, Headquarters and Country ContactROLES OF THE DISTRICT COORDINATOR, HEADQUARTERS AND COUNTRY CONTACT | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B1. Assume the basic features of our projectsB1. Assume the basic features of our projects | Network Network |
Orientaciones para colaboraciones con empresasORIENTACIONES PARA COLABORACIONES CON EMPRESAS | FrenchFrench | Initial | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadershipB2. Develop sustainable leadership | Network Network |
Plan general de socios en Itaka-EscolapiosPLAN GENERAL DE SOCIOS EN ITAKA-ESCOLAPIOS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B3. Define objectives, strategies and evaluation criteriaB3. Define objectives, strategies and evaluation criteria | Network Network |
Guide form for formulating Piarist social initiativesGUIDE FORM FOR FORMULATING PIARIST SOCIAL INITIATIVES | FrenchFrench | Advanced | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadershipB2. Develop sustainable leadership | Central Africa Central Africa |
Calasanz Emmaus Movement education projectCALASANZ EMMAUS MOVEMENT EDUCATION PROJECT | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B1. Assume the basic features of our projectsB1. Assume the basic features of our projects | Mexico Mexico |
Empoderamiento para la Transformacion Social. Area Personal. Parte 1EMPODERAMIENTO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA PERSONAL. PARTE 1 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...]B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Empoderamiento para la Transformacion Social. Area Personal. Parte 2EMPODERAMIENTO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA PERSONAL. PARTE 2 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...]B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Empoderamiento para la Transformacion Social. Area Social. Parte 1EMPODERAMIENTO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA SOCIAL. PARTE 1 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...]B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Empoderamiento para la Transformacion Social. Area Social. Parte 2EMPODERAMIENTO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA SOCIAL. PARTE 2 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...]B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Empoderamiento para la Transformacion Social. Area Educativa. Parte 1EMPODERAMIENTO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA EDUCATIVA. PARTE 1 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...]B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Empoderamiento para la Transformacion Social. Area Educativa. Parte 2EMPODERAMIENTO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA EDUCATIVA. PARTE 2 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...]B2. Develop sustainable leadership, B4. Accompany people in their personal and vocational development, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Curso de Liderazgo Escolapio para la Transformacion Social. Area Organizacional. Entrega 1CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA ORGANIZACIONAL. ENTREGA 1 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Curso de Liderazgo Escolapio para la Transformacion Social. Area Organizacional. Entrega 2CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA ORGANIZACIONAL. ENTREGA 2 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Curso de Liderazgo Escolapio para la Transformacion Social. Area Organizacional. Entrega 3CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA ORGANIZACIONAL. ENTREGA 3 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. AREA DE IDENTIDAD. ETREGA 4CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA DE IDENTIDAD. ETREGA 4 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Curso de Liderazgo Escolapio para la Transformacion Social. Area de Identidad. Entrega 5CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA DE IDENTIDAD. ENTREGA 5 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Curso de Liderazgo Escolapio para la Transformacion Social. Area de Identidad. Entrega 6CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA DE IDENTIDAD. ENTREGA 6 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Curso de Liderazgo para la Transformacion Social. Area de Identidad. Entrega 7CURSO DE LIDERAZGO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA DE IDENTIDAD. ENTREGA 7 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. AREA PERSONAL. ENTREGA 8CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA PERSONAL. ENTREGA 8 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. AREA PERSONAL. ENTREGA 9CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA PERSONAL. ENTREGA 9 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. AREA SOCIAL. ENTREGA 10CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA SOCIAL. ENTREGA 10 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. AREA SOCIAL. ENTREGA 11CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA SOCIAL. ENTREGA 11 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. AREA SOCIAL. ENTREGA 12CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ÁREA SOCIAL. ENTREGA 12 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. ENTREGA 13CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ENTREGA 13 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, [...]A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation, A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. ENTREGA 14CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ENTREGA 14 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, B2. Develop sustainable leadership, [...]A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, B2. Develop sustainable leadership, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. ENTREGA 15CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ENTREGA 15 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, B2. Develop sustainable leadership, [...]A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, B2. Develop sustainable leadership, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL. ENTREGA 16CURSO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAPIO PARA LA TRANSFORMACIÓN SOCIAL. ENTREGA 16 | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Lidership | A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...]A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Graficos de Itaka-EscolapiosGRÁFICOS DE ITAKA-ESCOLAPIOS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Mission | A1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisationA1. Knowing the origin, values, development and organisation | Network Network |
ACCESIBILIDAD COGNITIVA “un paseo por el cole”ACCESIBILIDAD COGNITIVA “UN PASEO POR EL COLE” | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Mission | B3. Define objectives, strategies and evaluation criteria, C1. To analyse reality from the point of view of the needs and interests of the weakest people, with children and young people at the centre of our action, [...]B3. Define objectives, strategies and evaluation criteria, C1. To analyse reality from the point of view of the needs and interests of the weakest people, with children and young people at the centre of our action, [...] | Betania Betania |
ENCUENTRO PROVINCIAL DE PEDAGOGIA DE LOS CUIDADOSENCUENTRO PROVINCIAL DE PEDAGOGÍA DE LOS CUIDADOS | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Mission | A2. Communicating our raison d'être based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...]A2. Communicating our raison d'etre based on our values, B1. Assume the basic features of our projects, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
La Aventura del Compromiso en el Movimiento CalasanzLA AVENTURA DEL COMPROMISO EN EL MOVIMIENTO CALASANZ | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Mission | C1. To analyse reality from the point of view of the needs and interests of the weakest people, with children and young people at the centre of our action, C2. Working in a team, [...]C1. To analyse reality from the point of view of the needs and interests of the weakest people, with children and young people at the centre of our action, C2. Working in a team, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |
Metodologia Comunicativa Funcional con Identidad EscolapiaMETODOLOGÍA COMUNICATIVA FUNCIONAL CON IDENTIDAD ESCOLAPIA | SpanishSpanish | Initial | Mission | C2. Working in a team, C3. To carry out the task entrusted to him/her in the pursuit of quality and innovation with a sense of responsibility, [...]C2. Working in a team, C3. To carry out the task entrusted to him/her in the pursuit of quality and innovation with a sense of responsibility, [...] | Central America and the Caribbean Central America and the Caribbean |